Filthy Morality
I got this old song stuck in my head the other day, eventually I found the song on youtube, I just typed "I was born for peace" and heard the old song that wishes for peace.
And no, I am not going to use that song to prove that in retrospect all Israeli polices have been perfect,all Israelis want peace and the other side is responsible for the lack of peace.
As I was listening to the song I was reading the news and I wanted to know a little bit more about that guy that makes the headlines: not Maurice Talansky but Samir Kuntar. I just remembered reading about him during the Israel-Lebanese war in 2006. Hizbullah has now insisted that Kuntar should be part of any prisoner swap deal and today the Israeli government is considering his release after he spent 29 years in prison. Nasrallah has considered the murderer Kuntar as one of its own and has praised him.
As the peaceful melody was going on I was reading the following testimony of Danny's wife who survived the tragic murder of her daughter and husband: "They (Samir Kuntar and the other terrorists)held Danny and Einat while they searched for me and Yael, knowing there were more people in the apartment. I will never forget the joy and the hatred in their voices as they swaggered about hunting for us, firing their guns and throwing grenades. I knew that if Yael cried out, the terrorists would toss a grenade into the crawl space and we would be killed. So I kept my hand over her mouth, hoping she could breathe. As I lay there, I remembered my mother telling me how she had hidden from the Nazis during the Holocaust. "This is just like what happened to my mother," I thought. "
As the grandson of Holocaust survivors I could just understand what Smadar meant.
Maariv in the 1979 tells the disgusting end of the story that happened on the shore of Nahariya:
"After drowning Danny in the sea in front of little Einat Kuntar, then turned his attention towards the frightened little 4-year old. He took his rifle and then swung it across the little toddler's head, knocking her to the ground. As little Einat was knocked to the ground, she was screaming and crying hysterically "mommy daddy help me," while thrashing her little legs around in the sand. But unfortunately Einat was alone, and no one was there to save her. Kuntar then dragged the little toddler a couple of feet to the closest rock he could find, this was while she was begging him not to hurt her. Kuntar, then laid her head down on a rock, with the intention of crushing it with the butt of his rifle. Einat, instinctively covered her head with her little arms, Kuntar struggled with the little toddler until he finally managed to clear her arms out of the way so that he could aim for her head. Once her arms were out of the way, Kuntar proceeded on beating her on the head over and over with the butt of his rifle, and repeatedly stomping on her little body as hard as he could as well, until blood rushed out of her ears and mouth, and her little cries faded away as she was knocked into unconsciousness. Then, to ensure she was dead, Kuntar continued on beating her over the head, as hard as he could, several more times until her skull was crushed and she was dead"
I am not writing this post to urge you to call the Israeli government in order to pressure not to release Samir Kuntar.
I asked Gadi Goldwasser last month how he would feel if Kuntar was released in exchange of Udi and Eldad, the two Israeli prisonners help captive by Hizbullah. Gadi told me very sincerely that he would be fine with that. In fact, Kuntar is living a great life in Israel's prison, he got a law degree, got married, gets visits, his wife even gets a stipend on a monthly basis! Gadi also told me that Kuntar was just a pawn in that action.
I agree with Gadi Goldwasser I would like to see his brother back home as well as Eldad.
The reason why I am writing this story is to show the absence of morality of Hizbullah. The terrorist group that has so much damaged the Lebanese society has been trying to portray itself as an equivalent to Israel: Hizbullah has repeatidly compared Israeli captives with Lebanese and Palestinian captives in Israeli prison.
While it is easy to demonstrate the flawness of Hizbullah's rethoric I think we we should think of the following:
If Kuntar is released Nasrallah will pathetically rejoice with Kuntar next month. I hope that the world will finally understand the real ideology of Hizbullah behind that. Israel on its side will welcome innocent soldiers that were captured on the Israeli territory and trying to protect people like Kuntar to commit murders on civilians.

This is only a detail of a larger picture. The truth behind the ideology of Hizbullah is that it wishes for a Judenrein in the Middle East just like the Nazis wished in Germany. By being in conflict and attacking the Jewish state despite Israel's withdrawal and the end of the occupation in Lebanon Hizbullah proved that it was in favor of the eradication of Israel. Hizbullah yet tried to mislead the world and to find an excuse for its "ongoing struggle with the Zionist entity" and pathetically advocated that occupation was not over because of a disputed small farm that belonged to Syria before 1967.
And as the song was running over and over, I still wished for peace but it will only be when people will avoid being misled by the mediocre who adopt the filthy close minded mentality of the terrorists...
And no, I am not going to use that song to prove that in retrospect all Israeli polices have been perfect,all Israelis want peace and the other side is responsible for the lack of peace.
As I was listening to the song I was reading the news and I wanted to know a little bit more about that guy that makes the headlines: not Maurice Talansky but Samir Kuntar. I just remembered reading about him during the Israel-Lebanese war in 2006. Hizbullah has now insisted that Kuntar should be part of any prisoner swap deal and today the Israeli government is considering his release after he spent 29 years in prison. Nasrallah has considered the murderer Kuntar as one of its own and has praised him.
As the peaceful melody was going on I was reading the following testimony of Danny's wife who survived the tragic murder of her daughter and husband: "They (Samir Kuntar and the other terrorists)held Danny and Einat while they searched for me and Yael, knowing there were more people in the apartment. I will never forget the joy and the hatred in their voices as they swaggered about hunting for us, firing their guns and throwing grenades. I knew that if Yael cried out, the terrorists would toss a grenade into the crawl space and we would be killed. So I kept my hand over her mouth, hoping she could breathe. As I lay there, I remembered my mother telling me how she had hidden from the Nazis during the Holocaust. "This is just like what happened to my mother," I thought. "
As the grandson of Holocaust survivors I could just understand what Smadar meant.
Maariv in the 1979 tells the disgusting end of the story that happened on the shore of Nahariya:
"After drowning Danny in the sea in front of little Einat Kuntar, then turned his attention towards the frightened little 4-year old. He took his rifle and then swung it across the little toddler's head, knocking her to the ground. As little Einat was knocked to the ground, she was screaming and crying hysterically "mommy daddy help me," while thrashing her little legs around in the sand. But unfortunately Einat was alone, and no one was there to save her. Kuntar then dragged the little toddler a couple of feet to the closest rock he could find, this was while she was begging him not to hurt her. Kuntar, then laid her head down on a rock, with the intention of crushing it with the butt of his rifle. Einat, instinctively covered her head with her little arms, Kuntar struggled with the little toddler until he finally managed to clear her arms out of the way so that he could aim for her head. Once her arms were out of the way, Kuntar proceeded on beating her on the head over and over with the butt of his rifle, and repeatedly stomping on her little body as hard as he could as well, until blood rushed out of her ears and mouth, and her little cries faded away as she was knocked into unconsciousness. Then, to ensure she was dead, Kuntar continued on beating her over the head, as hard as he could, several more times until her skull was crushed and she was dead"
I am not writing this post to urge you to call the Israeli government in order to pressure not to release Samir Kuntar.
I asked Gadi Goldwasser last month how he would feel if Kuntar was released in exchange of Udi and Eldad, the two Israeli prisonners help captive by Hizbullah. Gadi told me very sincerely that he would be fine with that. In fact, Kuntar is living a great life in Israel's prison, he got a law degree, got married, gets visits, his wife even gets a stipend on a monthly basis! Gadi also told me that Kuntar was just a pawn in that action.
I agree with Gadi Goldwasser I would like to see his brother back home as well as Eldad.
The reason why I am writing this story is to show the absence of morality of Hizbullah. The terrorist group that has so much damaged the Lebanese society has been trying to portray itself as an equivalent to Israel: Hizbullah has repeatidly compared Israeli captives with Lebanese and Palestinian captives in Israeli prison.
While it is easy to demonstrate the flawness of Hizbullah's rethoric I think we we should think of the following:
If Kuntar is released Nasrallah will pathetically rejoice with Kuntar next month. I hope that the world will finally understand the real ideology of Hizbullah behind that. Israel on its side will welcome innocent soldiers that were captured on the Israeli territory and trying to protect people like Kuntar to commit murders on civilians.

This is only a detail of a larger picture. The truth behind the ideology of Hizbullah is that it wishes for a Judenrein in the Middle East just like the Nazis wished in Germany. By being in conflict and attacking the Jewish state despite Israel's withdrawal and the end of the occupation in Lebanon Hizbullah proved that it was in favor of the eradication of Israel. Hizbullah yet tried to mislead the world and to find an excuse for its "ongoing struggle with the Zionist entity" and pathetically advocated that occupation was not over because of a disputed small farm that belonged to Syria before 1967.
And as the song was running over and over, I still wished for peace but it will only be when people will avoid being misled by the mediocre who adopt the filthy close minded mentality of the terrorists...